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Chemistry-Driven Spy Films on Netflix, Apple TV+, and Prime Video

March 21st, 2023
Category: Research, Blog
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Spies, Love, and Streaming

In March 2023, we took a closer look at three spy film trailers showcased by popular streaming platforms — “Murder Mystery 2” (Netflix), “Ghosted” (Apple TV+), and “Citadel” (Prime Video). We were excited to see how each film's narrative revolves around thrilling espionage, magnetic chemistry between male and female leads, and an impressive cast of well-known actors. Delve into our analysis of these captivating trailers and discover what makes them stand out in the world of streaming content.
Most viewers enjoyed the chemistry between the lead actors, unexpected action scenes, and the sense of humor and suspense in all three films. “Murder Mystery 2” received the highest NPS score of 24%, followed by “Citadel” with 15%, and “Ghosted” with 13%. Most respondents preferred to watch Murder Mystery 2 through a streaming service, while Ghosted and Citadel had a more balanced distribution between streaming services and the theater. All three movies received high ratings, with “Murder Mystery 2” and “Ghosted” receiving average ratings of 8.9, and “Citadel” having a slightly lower rating of 8.6. Female viewers rated “Murder Mystery 2” slightly higher than male viewers, while male viewers rated “Citadel” slightly higher than female viewers.
Decorative backgroundDecorative backgroundAdam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston in Murder Mystery trailerChris Evans in Ghosted trailer

Top Insights

  • Owing to each films’ success was the palpable chemistry between the lead actors. In all three films, the chemistry between the lead actors played a significant role in keeping the audience engaged.
  • Not only the lead cast, but the overall casting of unique and diverse actors in each film played a significant role in attracting viewers and adding depth to the story.
  • The audience also responded well to the thrilling and exciting action sequences, blended with the presence of humor and comedy, either as a primary or secondary element.
  • All three films blend various genres like action, romance, mystery, and comedy, which cater to a wide range of audience preferences and keep viewers interested.
  • These films all incorporated elements of mystery and suspense, which kept viewers engaged and eager to watch more.
  • The soundtrack and music choices help to set the tone and create a more immersive experience for the audience in all three films.
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Evaluation of engagement and emotions

Murder Mystery 2 Trailer

The trailer has received positive feedback from viewers who enjoyed the chemistry between Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, the action and comedic scenes, the cast of unique actors, the setting and beautiful scenery and sense of mystery and suspense. Other appealing aspects were the surprises and twists, the humor in general, the graphics and visuals, the music, and the recognition of other actors in the trailer. The majority of viewers did not find any aspects of the video least enjoyable. However, a few viewers mentioned that they did not enjoy the music, some of the dialogue, or certain cast members. The 10 most memorable moments from the video include the car explosion, Jennifer Aniston accidentally killing the driver with an axe, the scene with the elephant, and the action scenes in Paris.

Murder mystery engagement, positive and negative emotions, empathy

Ghosted Trailer

Viewers of the trailer for “Ghosted" had mixed reactions, with some enjoying the action-packed plot and chemistry between the lead actors, while others found certain aspects unappealing – such as slow beginnings, cliché moments, and unappealing music. Many viewers appreciated the unique blend of genres, including action, romance, and comedy. Some of the most enjoyable moments in the trailer included the plot twist, the strong female lead, and the love story aspect. Overall, despite criticisms, viewers found the trailer enjoyable and engaging.

Ghosted engagement, positive and negative emotions, empathy

Citadel Trailer

The “Citadel” trailer combines action, romance, and mystery, receiving positive feedback from most viewers. The action scenes and chemistry between the lead actors are particularly enjoyable, as well as the sense of humor and suspense. The knife-throwing scene and music also stood out to some viewers. However, some found the video unoriginal and repetitive, and the music not well-suited to the scenes. The most memorable moments include the knife-throwing scenes, the snowy mountain scene, and the use of interesting spy gadgets. The last line where the male character reveals that he made the gadgets for his favorite spy is also a standout moment.

Citadel engagement, positive and negative emotions, empathy
Netflix/apple TV+/Prime video

Based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) provided for each movie, it seems that “Murder Mystery 2” is the most favored film, with an NPS of 24%, followed by “Citadel” with an NPS of 15%, and “Ghosted” with an NPS of 13%. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (people who did not enjoy the film or would not recommend it) from the percentage of promoters (people who enjoyed the film and would recommend it). A higher NPS indicates that a larger portion of the audience enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to others, while a lower NPS indicates a less favorable response from the audience.
In this case, “Murder Mystery 2” seems to have the most positive reception, while “Ghosted” and “Citadel” have lower NPS scores, indicating less overall satisfaction among viewers.

Please note that all photos used in this post are for informational and educational purposes only. These images are not being used for commercial purposes, and are intended solely to illustrate the results of research. We do not claim ownership or authorship of any of the photos used in this post, and all credit goes to their respective owners.

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